The Inclusive Leadership Accelerator is a framework for engaging organizations in a culture change process. The ILA four primary components: Assess, Acknowledge, Action and (Re) Assessment. Each is designed to push and pull organizations towards the culture they want to have at a challenging pace that is appropriately uncomfortable.

Assess: Gathers data from five different sources.

Diversity Inclusion and Bias (DIBs) Survey

The DIBs Survey is based on an identity development model (DIBs Model ™) and asks participants to respond to a series of questions that test their general knowledge in DEI along with the business case for DEI. This information is tested across a sample of the diversity spectrum and provides a result that suggests the comfort and confidence level of the respondent.

Interviews and Focus Groups

Information from the survey is utilized to inform Individual Interviews and Focus Groups. We pressure test the survey results for efficacy and accuracy. Additionally, we get a real time opportunity to observe team members and how they tackle and interact with DEI topics.

People Processes

Our team will connect with the appropriate point of contact and review all People Processes (HR manuals, governance documents, membership materials). We will be looking for the results of any recent changes made in addition to possible evidence of bias and missed opportunities for more inclusive language or structure. Lastly, this group will look at hiring and recruiting and offer suggestions and policy recommendations as needed.

External Partners

We will request from you a list of active partners and your permission to contact them. We will interview them and get their perspective on your organization from a DEI perspective. This important lens will be added the data above to complete our picture of your organization.

Acknowledge: Reporting the results and strategic recommendations

After we gather the data our team will report back to the Senior Team or other selected personnel tour results which will include:

What we learned. This will include critical themes and outliers. While there are often important themes that are made clear it is also important to highlight the ‘minority voice’ in the data.

DIBs Assessment Phase Analysis. This analysis is often broken out by leadership levels but can also be examined by department or region, in addition to many other demographic slices.

Our Strategic Recommendations. This is the what’s next part. We will provide you with our best recommendations based on our work with thousands of leaders across the globe yet localized to your organization. These recommendations can range from our No Nonsense Experience to Executive Coaching, Bias workshops, various policy enhancements, etc.

Action: Executing on the strategic recommendations

This is where the rubber meets the road. Committing to the action component is critical to the organizational change that many leaders desire. It has taken quite awhile to get to the places we are, and it will take commitment and tenacity to create and drive the shift many leaders desire. Every recommendation we suggest we will have the capacity to execute.

(Re) Assess

On an annual cycle we suggest organizations re assess to a) see the growth and development in personnel, teams and the organization, b) adjust tactics as the environment shifts. This re-assessment is key ensuring that there is continual alignment between the work being done and the challenges currently facing the organization.

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